Jade (Akupacha) ఆకుపచ్చ రాయి (More Colors)
Beads sold PER SINGLE STRAND. Sizes vary by the size of your monitor. Compare bead size to a ruler. Product pictures are not necessarily sized to scale. Price shown on this page are for the smallest item. If you need bigger size, price will change according, so click the product, and then select the size. Strands are 16 inches long unless otherwise stated. Please not that 2mm is approximately the size of a small mustard seed. 3mm is approximately size of sabudana (tapioca ball before soaking).
#15 Neon pink Color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#11 Rose Color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#10 Multi Color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#8 Dark Yellow Dark Brown Color Jade faceted Round 3.5mm SALE
#7 Multi Color Jade Rondelle 4mm SALE
#6 Multi Color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#5 Strawberry Color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#4 Rhodonite color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#3 Chalcedony color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#2 Carnelian Color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
#1 Lapis color Jade Roundelle 4mm SALE
Blue-ish Purple (price is for single strand) SALE
Yellow Jade Faceted (prices are for each line) 5mmx8mm SALE